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Herb Plants in the Composites, Sunflower Family by Scientific Name where Weed includes No

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Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)Achillea millefolium
Common Names yarrow
Family Composites, Sunflower
Flower Color White
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
short-beaked agroseris, false dandelion (Agoseris glauca)
Agoseris glauca
Common Names false dandelion, short-beaked agroseris, pale agoseri
Family Composites, Sunflower
Flower Color Yellow
Plant Type Herb
Native Yes
Weed No
Pearly Everlasting (Anaphalis margaritacea)Anaphalis margaritacea
Common Names western pearly everlasting
Family Composites, Sunflower
Flower Color White
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Pearly Pussytoes (Antennaria anaphaloides)Antennaria anaphaloides
Common Names pearly pussytoes
Family Composites, Sunflower
Flower Color White, yellow
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Heart-leafed Arnica (Arnica cordifolia)Arnica cordifolia
Common Names heart-leafed arnica
Family Composites, Sunflower
Flower Color Yellow
Plant Type Herb
Short Description Leaves: Heart shaped
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
showy aster, alpine aster, mountain aster (Aster alpigenus var. haydenii)Aster alpigenus var. haydenii
Common Names showy aster, alpine aster, mountain aster
Family Composites, Sunflower
Flower Color Purple
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
hairy balsamroot (Balsamorhiza hirsuta)

Balsamorhiza hirsuta
Common Names hairy balsamroot
Family Composites, Sunflower
Flower Color Yellow
Plant Type Herb
Short Description Perennial
Native Yes
Weed No
hooker's balsamroot (Balsamorhiza hookeri)Balsamorhiza hookeri
Common Names hooker's balsamroot
Family Composites, Sunflower
Flower Color Yellow
Plant Type Herb
Native Yes
Weed No
Arrowleaf Balsamroot (Balsamorhiza sagittata)Balsamorhiza sagittata
Common Names arrowleaf balsamroot
Family Composites, Sunflower
Flower Color Yellow
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall, McCall and many locations
Native Yes
Weed No
Utah Thistle (Cirsium utahense)Cirsium utahense
Common Names Utah thistle
Family Composites, Sunflower
Flower Color White
Plant Type Herb
Native Yes
Weed No
tapertip hawksbeard, longleaf hawksbeard, long-leafed hawksbeard
(Crepis acuminata)
Crepis acuminata
Common Names longleaf hawksbeard, tapertip hawksbeard, long-leafed hawksbeard
Family Composites, Sunflower
Flower Color Yellow
Plant Type Herb
Native Yes
Weed No
basin rayless daisy, rayless fleabane (Erigeron concinnus var. aphanactis)
Erigeron concinnus var. aphanactis
Common Names basin rayless daisy, rayless fleabane, rayless shaggy fleabane
Family Composites, Sunflower
Flower Color Yellow
Plant Type Herb
Native Yes
Weed No
Wooly Daisy (Erigeron divergens)Erigeron divergens
Common Names wooly daisy
Family Composites, Sunflower
Flower Color Pale lavender
Plant Type Herb
Native Yes
Weed No
Oregon Sunshine, wooly sunflower (Eriophyllum lanatum)Eriophyllum lanatum
Common Names Oregon sunshine, wooly sunflower
Family Composites, Sunflower
Flower Color Yellow
Plant Type Herb
Native Yes
Weed No
blanket flower (Gaillardia pinnatifida)Gaillardia pinnatifida
Common Names blanket flower
Family Composites, Sunflower
Flower Color Yellow, red
Plant Type Herb
Native Yes
Weed No
tall purple aster, hoary aster, hoary tansyaster (Machaeranthera canescens)
Machaeranthera canescens
Common Names tall purple aster, hoary aster, hoary tansyaster
Family Composites, Sunflower
Flower Color Purple
Plant Type Herb
Native Yes
Weed No
Nodding Microseris (Microseris Nutans)Microseris nutans
Common Names nodding microseris
Family Composites, Sunflower
Flower Color Yellow
Plant Type Herb
Native Yes
Weed No
western coneflower (Rudbeckia occidentalis)Rudbeckia occidentalis
Common Names western coneflower
Family Composites, Sunflower
Flower Color Brown
Plant Type Herb
Short Description Brown cone, not showy.
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Mule's Ear (Wyethia amplexicaulis)Wyethia amplexicaulis
Common Names mule's ear, mule-ears
Family Composites, Sunflower
Flower Color Yellow
Plant Type Herb
Native Yes
Weed No
white-rayed wyethia (Wyethia helianthoides)
Wyethia helianthoides
Common Names white-rayed wyethia, sunflower mule-ears
Family Composites, Sunflower
Flower Color White
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No